It is breakdown of the lunate bone, a carpal bone in the wrist that articulates with the radius in the forearm. Kienbock disease is the eponymous name given to osteonecrosis involving the lunate. Peste 1910 1928 robert kienbock 1920 muller relation maladie et brievete du cubitus 1935 hulten variation rud hypothese compression 1935 hulten accourcissement du radius 1945 persson allongement du cubitus. Kienbock disease definition of kienbock disease by. Notice that the magnitudes of all the process variable contributions are quite large for this date compared to those for the other dates. We searched the ovidmedline and the cochrane library for articles discussing the etiology of osteonecrosis of the lunate published since. Investigations revealed necrosis of left lunate kienbock disease. Pdf a case of a 27 years old female with history of pain in left wrists is presented. The original may be consulted at kings college london kings college london. Sep 27, 2019 kienbock disease is a condition of uncertain etiology that results in osteonecrosis of the carpal lunate. Avascular necrosis of lunate first described by robert kienbock in 1910. Treatment of kienbock s disease by shortening osteotomy of the radius.
Specifically, kienbocks disease is another name for avascular necrosis death and fracture of bone tissue due to interruption of blood supply with fragmentation and collapse of the lunate. Yes, it is inherited on the x chromosome, which means that it is usually but not always worse in males. Ann chir main in press excision of the lunate in kienbock s disease. The lunate is one of the eight small bones that make up the carpal bones in the wrist see figure 1. Lindice radioulnaire iru etait negatif dans 10 cas, nul dans 27 cas. Recent studies gay et al evaluated the use of a simple capitate osteotomy without arthrodesis, through a dorsal medial approach and fixed with staples, in 11 patients with mild forms stage i to iiia, lichtman classification of kienboc. The condition is most common within the dominant wrist of young adult men where it appears to be due to repeated loading of the lunate. Kienbock disease definition of kienbock disease by medical. Limagerie confirme le diagnostic et determine son stade devolution. The full text of this article is available in pdf format. Kienbock s disease is a rare condition characterised by avascular necrosis of the lunate bone. Inflammatoire stenosante et fibrosante perforante et fistulisante. Diagnosis radiographic young adults pain, stiffness. Kienbocks disease definition of kienbocks disease by.
Bonjour a tous, je fais partie des exceptions pour cette maladie rare. Kienbock s disease synonyms, kienbock s disease pronunciation, kienbock s disease translation, english dictionary definition of kienbock s disease. Xrays may be normal or suggest a possible fracture. Pdf proximal row carpectomy is a movementpreserving procedure in the treatment of arthrosis of the wrist. Epidemiology the age distribution for kienbock disease depends on gender. Few authors have advocated excision of the lunate as treatment for kienbock s disease since stiih1 condemned it in 1947. Kienbock disease is avascular necrosis of the scaphoid bone. Les symptomes peuvent etre des douleurs du poignet plus ou moins intenses. The mvpdiagnose procedure is used in conjunction with themvpmodelandmvpmonitor procedures to monitor multivariate process variation over time, to determine whether the process is stable, and to detect and diagnose changes in a stable process. Pdf we hypothesised that using a palmaris longus tendon ball pltb with bone.
Specifically, kienbocks disease is another name for. Since most hypotheses have been published in the premedline era, the search was supplemented with additional references of indexed articles. Kienbocks disease definition of kienbocks disease by the. Pdf functional results after proximal row carpectomy to salvage a. Pdf kienbock disease treated by excisional arthroplasty with a. Kienbocks disease synonyms, kienbocks disease pronunciation, kienbocks disease translation, english dictionary definition of kienbocks disease.
Wrist radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging revealed ulnar variance and signs of osteonecrosis of the lunate, or kienbocks disease. Kienbocks disease is a problem in the wrist caused by the loss of blood supply to the lunate. No benefits of combining proximal row carpectomy with pin. Robert kienbock, a radiologist in vienna, austria who described osteomalacia of the lunate in 1910.
Treatment of advanced kienbocksdisease lichtman stage. It causes a variety of symptoms, which can be very severe. Il est mentionne dans tous les scores utilises pour le diagnostic. Il sagit dune necrose du semilunaire lunatum dont les causes sont mal determinees. The age distribution for kienbock disease depends on gender. In its early stages, kienbocks disease may be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are so similar to those of a sprained wrist. This has classically been attributed to arterial disruption, but may also occur after events. Kienbock disease is it a disability doctor answers.
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